
Heathkit® Parts Information

Ordering Parts from Heathkit

Q. How do I order replacement parts from Heathkit® for my modern kit?
A. Identify the hyphenated Heathkit Part Number in the Parts List of your assembly manual. Then email us at "orders.2015" at 2015.heath.company. Include either your Sales Order (SO) number from your purchase, or your unique product serial number, in the Subject: field of your email. Tell us what model you have and what part you need, providing the specific hyphenated Heathkit Part Number shown your manual. We will contact you about pricing and availability. (For all modern products, your Sales Order number was provided in your order confirmation email, and your serial number is in your manual and on your product.)
Q. Can I telephone you instead?
A. Yes, but we don't recommend it: Customers who email, or at least provide an email address, always gets far faster responses, in part because we can process them during non-business hours. Before you call us, please have this information available: Your Sales Order number if known, your unique kit serial number, the kit name and model number, the part name/value and its Heathkit Part Number (hyphenated number) from the assembly manual, and preferably an email address. Please speak very clearly as mobile phone lines especially often have quite poor connections. If you leave voicemail please be sure to provide all this information, plus your phone number, and spell your name and email address.
Q. Are vintage replacement parts and updates available for vintage Heathkit® kits?
A. Yes, sometimes. We keep stock on about 1,000 different vintage parts and also have a limited collection of vintage parts in our "boneyard" for older vintage equipment. Boneyard parts are used, refurbished, and/or reconditioned parts pulled from older equipment; sometimes this is your only option from us, since many components used in kits of a half century ago are no longer manufactured.

First identify the hyphenated Heathkit Part Number in your assembly manual Parts List, then check for that Heathkit Part Number in our website's inventory listing of thousands of vintage parts, available at https://shop.heathkit.com/ (left menu, "Replacement Parts"). If you don't see the left menu, try using a desktop/laptop browser, as cell phone browsers often do not display the entire website. If you do not find your part listed, email us with your specific need (tell us the Heathkit Part Number and the kit model it was used in--we need both) and we will check our boneyard. Incidentally, vintage kits never had serial numbers, so no need to spend an hour trying to find it.

Q. What are the limitations on parts orders?
A. Parts are a service to Heathkit customers, so most parts are only provided in single/small quantities and only to kit owners. We reserve the right to limit quantities of replacement parts. Parts replacement is a service for Heathkit customers who have a missing or damaged part. Additionally:
  • We may not have stock for some replacement parts. Stock depends on availability, demand, age of the product, and other factors. We maintain stock of most replacement parts for kits currently being sold.
  • Custom-firmware MPU/MCU chips: Custom microprocessor or microcontroller chips are specific to your product serial number. Heathkit does not provide spare custom MPU/MCU chips. If you believe your custom MPU/MCU chip has failed, first check our Factory Repair page at https://shop.heathkit.com/shop/product/factory-repairs-27 to see whether you can order a standard MPU/MCU replacement/reprogramming service for your kit. If not, please contact Technical Support at the address shown on your Personal Product Page™ (see your individual assembly manual) for reprogramming or repair. Expect the repair process to require you to send your custom MPU/MCU chip to Heathkit for reprogramming and return.
  • Customer-supplied parts and Heathkit Warranty: Your Heathkit is yours to repair, and we encourage customer diagnosis and repair. However, using parts not supplied by Heathkit puts your kit at risk. (This was not true 40 years ago when parts manufacturers were reputable, but today there is an enormous industry-wide problem in fraudulent chips.) In modern products we individually hand-test the chips provided with your kit before shipping. Heathkit cannot guarantee or warrant the performance of any parts Heathkit has not provided. For this reason, please only use Heathkit-supplied parts in your kit. Substituting your own inexpensive third-party chips or other components in your kit will void its warranty. Always check with Heathkit for official Heathkit replacement parts before substituting your own.
  • Manuals: All Heathkit manuals from every era were and are copyrighted works--each is a book we have published and continue to publish and distribute. Like most book publishers generally, we publish our books on paper in bound form. (There are no legal digital copies anywhere, in PDF or any other digital form, of any Heathkit manual.)

    Vintage manuals: If you need a replacement manual for a vintage Heathkit, we sell the best-available version we have in stock for each kit essentially at our cost of reproduction, bound in our high-quality modern binding. (If you find one for sale elsewhere "new" it mostly likely is a stolen/pirated copy of our books. Obviously we cannot guarantee any illegal pirated copy of our books contains the original content; and why would you expect a thief to care about the quality of the product they sell you. We hear from time to time of low-grade pirated copies of our books sold with missing pages or schematics.)

    Please be mindful that many vintage Heathkits in use today are a half-century old, and sometimes the best available manual master in our archives for a vintage model is not perfectly pristine. Our website always tells you the condition of our best available master for your kit's manual when you are ordering. If you need a vintage manual, please see our Vintage Manuals web page (visit https://shop.heathkit.com/shop/ and choose the "Vintage Manuals" tab).

    Modern manuals: All modern Heathkit manuals are customized to the individual kit owner and serial number. If you need a replacement manual for a modern Heathkit, please contact customer support, as this may entail custom printing of your replacement manual, deactivation and replacement of the old serial number, reprogramming of your custom MPU or other kit changes, and changes in your accounts at Heathkit.com.

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